is BC’s
best hope

Make BC a safe haven from climate change.

Tell your MLA

Tell your MLA: adopt a proven climate solution. Support indigenous-led protected areas.

We value the bounty of nature that surrounds us. But there’s more to BC’s forests, mountains and shores than beauty. Vast expanses of intact nature help BC beat back climate change.

Many First Nations want to protect parts of their traditional territories as safe havens for plants and animals on the brink of extinction. These Indigenous-led protected areas are exactly what BC needs. Nature is our best hope for a safer, healthier BC for future generations.

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Why It Works

Nature is BC’s best hope for future generations

Indigenous-led conservation projects are a practical way to take real action on issues British Columbians care about. They create long-term jobs in land stewardship and tourism. They support reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. They become safe havens for species at risk trying to find more hospitable homes.

Indigenous-led protected areas brim with biodiversity

UBC researchers have reported especially high numbers of diverse plants, animals and reptiles on lands managed or co-managed by Indigenous communities in Canada and across the globe. “From frogs and songbirds right up to grizzly bears, biodiversity was richest in Indigenous-managed lands,” says study co-author Ryan Germain.

Many Indigenous communities are using effective land-management practices that create homes for at-risk plants and animals and give them space to thrive. “Collaborating with Indigenous land stewards will likely be essential to making sure species survive and thrive,” said Richard Schuster, the study’s lead author. Tell your MLA to adopt a proven climate solution and support Indigenous-led conservation.

Emerald Lake, BC Salmon Stream Near Smithers, BC